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2015 » Январь » 5 » fc barcelona deliver smiles and goodwill to hospitals
23:40 fc barcelona deliver smiles and goodwill to hospitals |
layers, coaches and directors visited injured and sick children in eight centres around the city as part of the & 39;a dream for a gift& 39; campaign. following the open door training session at the miniestadi that was attended by 11,134 people, the barça first team players have made their traditional visit to see injured and sick children in various hospitals and facilities around barcelona. the first team squad’s aim, as every year, was to bring a little sunshine and smiles to the children in question. ______ Jugadors, tècnics i directius han visitat els infants ingressats en vuit centres de la ciutat amb motiu de la campanya ‘un somni per un regal& 39;. com és tradicional, després de l’entrenament de portes obertes celebrat al miniestadi, al que han assistit 11.134 espectadors, els integrants de la plantilla del primer equip s’han repartit per portar il•lusió, somriures i felicitat als infants ingressats en diferents hospitals i institucions de barcelona. ______ Jugadores, técnicos ...
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